„Just don`t give up trying to do what you really want to do.
Where there is love and inspiration,
I don`t think you can go wrong.” Ella Fitzgerald
@ Malgorzata Bujnicka
I have always admired Ella Fitzgerald`s voice and especially her recordings from the American Songbook.
I studied jazz singing at the Schubert Conservatory and Vienna Conservatory and participated in various music projects including Bossa Nova with Jamshid Rahimi and I2 with Manfred Vodicka and Sascha Otto.
I was also inspired by several jazz workshops for example: Jazz Works: with Angela Tröndle and Martin Eberle, and Vocal Works with Ines Reiger and Martin “Smooth” Obereder.
Since 2018 I have been playing with jazz musicians such as Georg Greif, Georg Schmelzer-Ziringer, German Schwarz and Fred Bäck in projects like „Tribute to Chet Baker” and „Tribute to Billie Holiday”. Most of the songs have been revised and arranged by Georg Greif.
2021-22 the CD „Tribute to Billie Holiday” was recorded by studio German Schwarz.
The repertoire consists mainly of songs from the “American Songbook”- jazz songs, ethno-jazz, ballads, but also tangos and chansons.
„Singing is the most naturale and beautiful thing in the world. It liberates, comforts, stimulates and enriches. Every person who sings gets more out of life. Singing begins where language alone is no longer able to express feelings.“ Sylvia Geszty
„I want to be the force, which is truly for good.” John Coltrane
“If you follow your own truth, there will be no discord.” John Coltrane
„Better to fail than not to have tried.” Andi Schreiber
I have always had this one wish for me: to sing, to sing and to sing again.